Rigol DHO924S - pienikokoinen,...
SEEED 102010128
Seeed Studio 102010128 - LoRaWAN Class A/C Ultra long range communication Arduino programmable board (ATSAMD21)
SEEED 102010268
Seeed Studio 102010268 - Seeeduino Nano built around Atmega328P 8-bit AVR microcontroller.
SEEED 102010328
Seeed Studio 102010328 - Seeeduino XIAO - Arduino Microcontroller - SAMD21 Cortex M0+
SEEED 102010388
Seeed Studio 102010388 - Seeeduino XIAO (Pre-Soldered) - Arduino Microcontroller - SAMD21 Cortex M0+
SEEED 102010428
Seeed Studio 102010428 - Seeed XIAO RP2040 - Tukee Arduinoa, MicroPythonia ja CircuitPythonia.
SEEED 102010448
Seeed Studio 102010448 - Seeed XIAO BLE nRF52840 - Supports Arduino / MicroPython - Bluetooth5.0 with Onboard Antenna
SEEED 102010469
Seeed Studio 102010469 - Seeed XIAO BLE nRF52840 Sense - TinyML/TensorFlow Lite- IMU / Microphone - Bluetooth5
SEEED 102020083
Seeed Studio 102020083 - High Precision RTC is an extreme precise and low consumption RTC for Arduino projects. If your application requires high precision timing providing, please don’t hesitate to get one.
SEEED 102030005
Seeed Studio 102030005 - Spartan Edge Accelerator Board is a Xilinx Spartan FPGA development board in the Arduino UNO shield form factor. With the onboard ESP32 chip, it can also provide WiFi and Bluetooth functions.
SEEED 102060105
Seeed Studio 102060105 - SeeedStudio GD32 RISC-V kit with LCD
SEEED 102110260
Seeed Studio 102110260 - Coral Dev Board - 1GB RAM Version
SEEED 102110319
ODYSSEY - STM32MP157C is based on STM32MP157C, a dual-core processor integrate Arm-Cortex-A7 plus Cortex-M4, fully compatible Raspberry 40-pin, formed by SoM - STM32MP157C plus a Carrier board.
SEEED 102110381
Seeed Studio 102110381 - BeagleBone® Green Gateway Development Board (TI AM3358 @1GHz, 512MB, 4GB, WiFi+BT and Ethernet)
SEEED 102110417
Seeed Studio 102110417 - NVIDIA Jetson Nano-B01 with 4GB memory.
SEEED 102110497
Seeed Studio 102110497 - rakenna itse Raspberry Pi pohjainen reititin. Tarvitset lisäksi Compute Module 4 -prosessorikortin. Kortilla kaksi GE RJ45 liitäntää.
SEEED 102110545
Seeed Studio 102110545 - Raspberry Pi Pico on uusi mikrokontrollerikortti perustuen RP2040 ARM Cortex M0+ kontrolleriin.
SEEED 102110701
Seeed Studio 102110701 - This is a compact STM32 single-board computer that supports multiple operating systems and offers multiple connections, with efficient data transfer and flexible power supply, scalable storage capacity.
SEEED 102110769
Seeed Studio 102110769 - reComputer J401 Carrier Board - Jetson Orin NX/Orin Nano supported, 4x USB, 1x GbE, M.2 Key M, M.2 Key E, 2 x CSI, HDMI 2.1
SEEED 102110775
Seeed Studio 102110775 - LinkStar-H68K-0232 - RK3568 pohjainen reititin, jossa on 2GB RAM & 32GB eMMC, dual-2.5G & dual-1G Ethernet, 4K-ulostulo, esiasennettu Android 11, Lubuntu 20.04 & OpenWRT-tuki, Home Assistant.
SEEED 102110777
LinkStar-H68K-1432 - RK3568 pohjainen reititin, jossa on Wi-Fi 6, 4GB RAM & 32GB eMMC, dual 2.5G & dual 1G Ethernet, 4K-ulostulo, esiasennettu Android 11, Lubuntu 20.04 & OpenWRT-tuki, Home Assistant
SEEED 102110859
Seeed Studio 102110859 - ODYSSEY- STM32MP135D with eMMC, Cortex-A7 STM32, Yocto/Buildroot OS, Ethernet ports with WoL, USB Type-A, CSI, LCD, 4Gb DRAM, TF card holder, PoE
SEEED 102990038
Seeed Studio 102990038 - Bus Pirate v3.6 universal serial interface
SEEED 102990062
Seeed Studio 102990062 - Logic Pirate, logic, pirate, logic analyzer, open analyzer,sump,dp,logic analyzer,ols,logic,jtag,signal detect,analyzer,tool,dangerous prototypes
SEEED 102991022
Seeed Studio 102991022 - Wio LTE EU Version v1.3- 4G, Cat.1, GNSS
SEEED 102991074
Seeed Studio 102991074 - Pixy2 CMUcam5 - Smart Vision Sensor - Object Tracking Camera for Arduino, Raspberry Pi
SEEED 102991150
Seeed Studio 102991150 - Sipeed MAix BiT for RISC-V AI+IoT, support for camera and display
SEEED 102991154
Seeed Studio 102991154 - SenseCAP Outdoor Gateway - LoRaWAN EU868MHz
SEEED 102991184
Seeed Studio 102991184 - Sipeed Maixduino for RISC-V AI + IoT, Arduino Uno form factor devboard with camera
SEEED 102991299
Seeed Studio 102991299 - Wio Terminal: ATSAMD51 Core with Realtek RTL8720DN BLE 5.0 Wi-Fi 2.4G/5G Dev Board
SEEED 102991319
Seeed Studio 102991319 - ABS Electrical Box for Raspberry Pi 4B
SEEED 102991321
Seeed Studio 102991321 - Longan CANBed - Arduino CAN-BUS Development Kit (ATmega32U4 with MCP2515 and MCP2551)
SEEED 102991442
Seeed Studio 102991442 - This CANBed-FD adopts MCP2517FD CAN Bus controller with SPI interface and MCP2542FD CAN transceiver to achieve the CAN-BUS capability. With an OBD-II converter cable added on and the OBD-II library imported, you are ready to build an onboard diagnostic device.
SEEED 102991455
Seeed Studio 102991455 - Serial to Ethernet Module based on ESP32 series - WT32-ETH01 - WT32-ETH01 is an embedded serial to Ethernet module based on the ESP32 series WT32-S1 MCU.
SEEED 102991555
Seeed Studio 102991555 - Wio RP2040 mini Dev Board - Onboard Wifi kehityskortti.
SEEED 102991556
Seeed Studio 102991556 - Wio RP2040-moduuli (RP2040+ESP8285) - on suunniteltu RP2040 + ESP8285 wifi-sirulla. Sisäänrakennettu wifi-siru tarjoaa vakaat langattomat ominaisuudet, joten se sopii täydellisesti IoT-alustan valintaan.
SEEED 102991694
Seeed Studio 102991694 - reComputer J101 - Carrier Board for Jetson Nano, same size of NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ Dev Kit carrier board, micro SD card slot, HDMI2.0, USB, CSI, M.2 key E, GPIO
SEEED 102991695
Seeed Studio 102991695 - reComputer J202 - carrier Board for Jetson Nano/Xavier NX/TX2 NX, with 4xUSB, M.2 Key M,E same size of NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX Dev Kit carrier board (Power adapter included)
SEEED 102991698
Seeed Studio 102991698 - BeagleV® is an advanced single-board computer with a powerful RISC-V processor IP, AI acceleration, hybrid network connection, and a wide range of interfaces.
SEEED 102991735
Seeed Studio 102991735 - EdgeBox-ESP-100-Industrial Edge Controller, WiFi, BLE, 4G LTE, DIO, AIO, Ethernet, CAN, RS485
SEEED 102991754
Seeed Studio 102991754 - Grove for Scratch is an expansion board that allows various Grove modules to be controlled from Scratch via USB cable.
SEEED 102991775
Seeed Studio 102991775 - CAN FD Shield for Arduino - CAN-FD, CAN 2.0, industrial standard 9-pin sub-D, high-speed SPI interface, selectable OBD-II and CAN standard pinouts, adjustable chip select and INT pins
SEEED 102991776
Seeed Studio 102991776 - The CANBed Elite Atmega32U4 - MCP2515 and MCP2551 CAN bus chips, Type-C, LED Indicators, External Headers, Sleek Aluminum Housing, Arduino Support
SEEED 103010002
Seeed Studio 103010002 - GrovePi+ is add-on board with 15 Grove 4-pin interfaces that brings Grove sensors to the Raspberry Pi. It is the newest version compatible with Raspberry Pi model B/B+/A+/2/3/4 perfectly.
SEEED 103020006
Seeed Studio 103020006 - Grove - I2C Hub Grove is an extension Grove module
SEEED 103020019
Seeed Studio 103020019 - Grove Starter Kit for LaunchPad