Rigol DHO924S - pienikokoinen,...
Seeedstudio 103990103 - DevDuino Sensor Node V2.2 (ATmega 328) – with support OTA update
ARD TPX00031
Alkuperäinen Arduino® TPX00031 - Arduino Sensor Kit on Seeed Studio ja Arduino® yhdessä suunnittelema elektroniikan aloitussarja. Se yhdistää 10 yleisesti käytettyä elektroniikkamoduulia yhdelle piirilevylle. Vaatii toimiakseen erillisen Arduino UNO kortin.
SEEED 101020001
Seeed Studio 101020001 - Grove - HCHO Sensor - Up to 1ppm high sensibility Built with VOC sensor WSP2110 Covers HCHO, Benzene, Toluene, Alcohol etc Grove connector compatible Easy to use
SEEED 101020003
Seeed Studio 101020003 - Grove - Button is a momentary push button. It contains one independent "momentary on/off" button.
SEEED 101020008
Seeed Studio 101020008 - Grove - Soil Moisture Sensor can measure soil moisture for plants. The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes that allow the current to pass through the soil and then obtain resistance values to measure soil moisture content.
SEEED 101020010
Seeed Studio 101020010 - Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is an ultrasonic transducer that utilizes ultrasonic waves to measures distance. It can measure from 3cm to 350cm with the accuracy up to 2mm.
SEEED 101020011
Seeed Studio 101020011 - Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
SEEED 101020012
Seeed Studio 101020012 - Grove - Dust Sensor (PPD42NS)
SEEED 101020013
Seeed Studio 101020013 - Grove - DS1307 RTC is based on the clock chip DS1307 and supports I2C communication! It uses a Lithium cell battery (CR1225).
SEEED 101020015
Seeed Studio 101020015- Grove - Temperature Sensor - Grove compatible interface Arduino library ready Resistance Tolerance: ±1% 3.3/5V working voltage
SEEED 101020016
Seeed Studio 101020016 - Grove - IR (Infrared) Receiver
SEEED 101020018
Seeed Studio 101020018 - Grove - Water Sensor detects the presence of water using exposed PCB traces.
SEEED 101020019
Seeed Studio 101020019 - Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro (DHT22/AM2302)
SEEED 101020020
Seeed Studio 101020020 - Grove - PIR Motion Sensor (Passive Infrared Sensor)
SEEED 101020023
Seeed Studio 101020023 - Grove - Sound Sensor Based on LM358 amplifier - Arduino Compatible
SEEED 101020025
Seeed Studio 101020025 - Grove - Tilt Switch - The tilt-switch twig is the equivalent of a button, and is used as a digital input
SEEED 101020026
Seeed Studio 101020026 - Grove Infrared Emitter is used to transmit infrared signals through an infrared LED, while there is an Infrared receiver to get the signals on the other side
SEEED 101020031
Seeed Studio 101020031 - Grove - Piezo Vibration Sensor - Capable of withstand strong impact. Wide dynamic range from 0.001Hz to 1000MHz. Adjustable sensitivity.
SEEED 101020033
Seeed Studio 101020033 - Grove - Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor
SEEED 101020035
Seeed Studio 101020035 - Grove - Proto Shield for Arduino allows you to add your own circuitry or components to your Grove system prototypes. You can access all four lines from the connector cable: S0, S1, VCC, and GND.
SEEED 101020036
Seeed Studio 101020036 - Grove - Slide Potentiometer is a linear variable resistor with a total resistance of 10k.
SEEED 101020039
Seeed Studio 101020039 - Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (±1.5g)
SEEED 101020046
Seeed 101020046 - Grove - Hall Sensor perustuu A1101 anturipiiriin.
SEEED 101020048
Seeed Studio 101020048 - Grove - Rotary Angle Sensor(P)
SEEED 101020049
Seeed Studio 101020049 - The Grove - Flame Sensor can be used to detect fire source or other light sources of the wavelength in the range of 760nm - 1100 nm
SEEED 101020050
Seeed Studio 101020050 - Grove - 3-axis Gyro module on ITG3000 anturipiiriin perustuva 3-akselin gyro I2C-liitännällä.
SEEED 101020054
Seeed Studio 101020054 - Grove - ADXL345 - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±16g)
SEEED 101020060
Seeed Studio 101020060 - PIR Motion Sensor - Large Lens version
SEEED 101020063
Seeed Studio 101020063 - Grove - Sound Sensor/ Noise Detector for Arduino
SEEED 101020067
Seeed Studio 101020067 - Grove Carbon Dioxide Sensor (MH-Z16) is a high sensitivity, high precision and non-dispersive infrared digital temperature sensor with compensation, UART output.
SEEED 101020076
Seeed Studio 101020076 - Grove - Luminance Sensor using APDS-9002 as lumens Sensor, provide the linear transform lumen intensity for the output voltage levels
SEEED 101020077
Seeed Studio 101020077 - Grove - MLX90615 Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor
SEEED 101020078
Seeed Studio 101020078 - Grove - Air quality sensor v1.3 is designed for indoor air quality testing. It can respond to carbon monoxide, alcohol, acetone, thinner, formaldehyde, and other slightly toxic gases.
SEEED 101020083
Seeed Studio 101020083 - Grove - Gesture Sensor PAJ7620U2 integrates gesture recognition function with general I2C interface into a single chip.
SEEED 101020089
Seeed Studio 101020089 - Grove - Sunlight sensor (UV-light, visible light and infrared light) - SI1151
SEEED 101020132
Seeed Studio 101020132 - Grove - Light Sensor v1.2 - LS06-S phototransistor
SEEED 101020172
Seeed Studio 101020172 - Grove - Line finder v1.1 - most automated robotic projects start from a line-following robot.
SEEED 101020173
Seeed Studio 101020173 - Grove - Light Sensor (P) v1.1 - Linear analog output conforming to illuminance Low dark current and low working lux Easy to use
SEEED 101020174
Seeed Studio 101020174 - Grove - Infrared Reflective Sensor v1.2 can be used for the detection of proximity and color of objects. The reflective photosensor - RPR-220 used in this module consists of an infrared light emitting diode and a high –sensitivity phototransistor.
SEEED 101020193
Seeed Studio 101020193 - Grove Temp&Humi&Barometer Sensor (BME280)