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    Grove Communication

    Seeedstudio Grove kommunikointimoduulit: WIFI, RFID, RF, NFC, Lora, GPS, FM, Bluetooh & BLE

    Tsekkaa koko valikoima Grove Communication

    Grove Communication 13 tuotetta

    Seeedstudio Grove kommunikointimoduulit: WIFI, RFID, RF, NFC, Lora, GPS, FM, Bluetooh & BLE

    Tsekkaa koko valikoima Grove Communication

    Näytetään 1 - 13 / 13 tuotteesta
    • 11,28 € Varastossa

      ESP GRVWIFI8266

      Cytron GRV-WIFI-8266 - Grove WiFi 8266 on lisäkortti jolla saat IoT yhteyden mikrokontrollerikorttiisi kuten micro:bit, Raspberry Pico, Arduino. CircuitPython kirjastot valmiina. Grove UART liitäntä. Perustuu ESP-12F moduuliin.

      11,28 €
    • 6,38 € Varastossa

      SEEED 101020026

      Seeed Studio 101020026 - Grove Infrared Emitter is used to transmit infrared signals through an infrared LED, while there is an Infrared receiver to get the signals on the other side  

      6,38 €
    • 29,08 € Varastossa

      SEEED 101020232

      Seeed Studio 101020232 - Grove - Speech Recognizer

      29,08 €
    • 56,20 € Varastossa

      SEEED 102010129

      Seeed Studio 102010129 - Seeeduino LoRaWAN W/GPS

      56,20 €
    • 22,36 € Varastossa

      SEEED 109020022

      Seeed Studio 109020022 - Grove-GPS (Air530) is a high-performance, highly integrated multi-mode satellite positioning and navigation module, supporting plenty of location systems, such as GPS/Beidou/Galileo and etc.

      22,36 €
    • 19,29 € Varastossa

      SEEED 113020002

      Seeed Studio 113020002 - Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader - 7cm sensing distance 125kHz RFID Card Read Only Arduino Library

      19,29 €
    • 36,21 € Ei varastossa

      SEEED 113020003

      Seeed Studio 113020003 - Grove - GPS module is a cost-efficient and field-programmable gadget armed with a SIM28 module and serial communication configuration, providing a precise, sensitive, low power GPS module for position recognition anywhere in the world.

      36,21 €
      Rajoitettu erä
    • 30,24 € Varastossa

      SEEED 113020006

      Seeed Studio 113020006 - Grove NFC - Built around PN532 module Contactless communication at 13.56MHz. Support ISO14443 Type A and Type B protocols Support I2C or UART communication protocols Grove connector compatible

      30,24 €
    • 21,12 € Varastossa

      SEEED 113020008

      Seeed Studio 113020008 - Grove - Serial Blueseeed TH (CSR BC417) is an easy to use module compatible with the existing Grove Base Shield, and designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup.

      21,12 €
    • 21,38 € Varastossa

      SEEED 113020011

      Seeed Studio 113020011 - Grove - UART WiFi V2 is a WiFi module for Arduino and Seeeduino, this Arduino WiFi module based on ESP8285 - the upgraded version of ESP8266.

      21,38 €
    • 29,09 € Varastossa

      SEEED 113020091

      Seeed Studio 113020091 - Grove - LoRa-E5 (STM32WLE5JC), EU868/US915, LoRaWAN supported

      29,09 €
    • 24,17 € Varastossa

      SEEED 113060007

      Seeed Studio 113060007 - Using RFM95 module based on SX1276 LoRa® Inputting voltage:5V/3.3V ~28mA(Avg) @+20dBm continuous transmit ~8.4mA(Avg)@standby mode ~20mA(Avg) @receive mode, BW-500kHz

      24,17 €
    • 13,76 € Varastossa

      SEEED 114992978

      Seeed Studio 114992978 - Grove - CAN BUS Module based on GD32E103

      13,76 €
    Näytetään 1 - 13 / 13 tuotteesta