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Elecrow CRT14016P - Crowtail- PH Sensor 2.0
ECT CT009989A
Elecrow CT009989A - Crowtail- Air Quality Sensor 2.0 - tunnista sisäilmasta häkä, alkoholi, asetoni, tinneri jne kaasumaiset epäpuhtaudet.
SEEED 101020001
Seeed Studio 101020001 - Grove - HCHO Sensor - Up to 1ppm high sensibility Built with VOC sensor WSP2110 Covers HCHO, Benzene, Toluene, Alcohol etc Grove connector compatible Easy to use
SEEED 101020078
Seeed Studio 101020078 - Grove - Air quality sensor v1.3 is designed for indoor air quality testing. It can respond to carbon monoxide, alcohol, acetone, thinner, formaldehyde, and other slightly toxic gases.