Elecrow DTR61173K - Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi +Arduino
- 25 Kinds of modules or sensors
- Detailed and clear tutorial
- There are 26 lessons for Raspberry and 30 lessons for Arduino
- From a simple LED development gradually into the big project
- Raspberry Pi GPIO development using the same as Arduino wiring language, easy to use
Package list
- 40 pin GPIO Extension Board x1
- 40 pin GPIO Cable x1
- PCF8591 AD/DA module x1
- 8*8 LED matrix x1
- LCD1602 Module with IIC x1
- Joystick x1
- Breadboard x1
- DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor x1
- 4 digit 7-segment Display x1
- 1 digit 7-segment Display x1
- IC 74HC595 x1
- Active Buzzer x1
- Passive Buzzer x1
- 65 Jumper Wire x1
- Photoresistor x2
- Thermistor x1
- RGB LED x1
- Touch sensor x1
- Potentiometerx1
- Water Lever Sensor x1
- 2003 stepper motor driver board x1
- 5V stepper motor x1
- 9G servo x1
- Flame sensor x1
- 40pin pin header x1
- Remote Control x1
- Infrared receiver x1
- HC-SR04 module x1
- Vibration Sensor x2
- Button (big) x4
- Button cap x4
- Yellow LED x5
- Blue LED x5
- Green LED x5
- Red LED x5
- Resistor (220R) x10
- Resistor (330R) x10
- Resistor (1K) x10
- Resistor (10K) x10
- Female-to-male Dupont Wire x10
Note! The CD disc is not included anymore. It's content can be downloaded using links below.
Wiki & External links