You can connect 2 stepper motors, 2 RC servo motors or 4 conventional motors to the card.
The cards can be stacked on top of each other (32 cards), as long as you change the address of the card, so you can control more motors.
- designed for 5-12V motors
- driver circuit: TB6612 (4H)
- current: 4 x 1,2A per H-bridge (spike 3A 20ms)
- I2C 7-bit address selection (solder pins) between 0x60-0x7F
- VIN jumper:
The jumper is only connected if using cards with a single power, either via Arduino (dc connector) or via the motorshield screw terminal. When using the cards with their own power supplies, leave the jumper unconnected. see pdf page 30
- Power-in 2-pin terminal connector: socket for external power supply 5-12V(see VIN jumper)
Note! The card is designed for low power motors (H-bridge 1.2A), i.e. high currents cannot be fed through the card to motors.
- Screw terminal connections for stepper motors and standard motors (If you take 5V from Arduino, the VIN jumper must be connected).
- 3-pin servo connections for two rc-servos:
The 3-pin pins are connected to the pins on the card(5V, Gnd, 9 and 10),
i.e. 5V and GROUND are pre-wired to the connector, so there is no need to connect the VIN jumper.
PWM lines, i.e. pin 9 (servo 2) and 10 (servo 1)) - card dimensions: 70 x 55 x 10 mm
- in addition to the card, an Arduino chipset and a VIN selection jumper are included
The driver can be downloaded for Arduino from the Adafruit website: