Seeed Studio 101020008 - Grove - Soil Moisture Sensor can measure soil moisture for plants. The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes that allow the current to pass through the soil and then obtain resistance values to measure soil moisture content.
Soil moisture sensor based on soil resistivity measurement
Consists of two probes that allow the current to pass through the soil
Easy to use and cost-effective
Grove compatible interface( u-blox version)
Grove - Soil Moisture Sensor can measure soil moisture for plants. The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes that allow the current to pass through the soil and then obtain resistance values to measure soil moisture content. It can be used to decide if the plants in a garden need watering. You can also use soil moisture sensors in gardens to automate watering plants. It can be used very easily by just inserting the sensor into the soil and reading the output using ADC.
This sensor is not hardened against contamination or exposure of the control circuitry to water and may be prone to electrolytic corrosion across the probes, please use it for PROTOTYPING ONLY. We also offer Grove - Capacitive Moisture Sensor with corrosion resistance.