

ESP32 DPI36140W-16MB

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9,32 €

EspressIF ESP32-WROOM-32D / ESP32 Wifi Bluetooth Wireless Module with 4MB flash memory


The core of the ESP32-WROOM-32D and ESP32-WROOM-32U modules is the ESP32-D0WD chip, which belongs to the ESP32 series*, which is scalable and adaptive. The two CPU cores can be controlled separately. The adjustment range of the clock frequency is from 80 MHz to 240 MHz. The user can cut off the power of the CPU and use the low-power coprocessor to continuously monitor the status changes of the peripherals or whether certain analog quantities exceed the threshold. ESP32 also integrates a wealth of peripherals, including capacitive touch sensors, Hall sensors, SD card interface, Ethernet interface, high-speed SDIO/SPI, UART, I²S and I²C, etc.

The module integrates traditional Bluetooth, low energy Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and has a wide range of uses: Wi-Fi supports a wide range of communication connections, and also supports direct connection to the Internet through a router; Bluetooth allows users to connect to mobile phones or broadcast BLE Beacon to facilitate signal detection. The sleep current of the ESP32 chip is less than 5 µA, making it suitable for battery-powered wearable electronic devices. The module supports a data transmission rate of up to 150 Mbps, and an antenna output power of 20 dBm, which can achieve the widest range of wireless communication. Therefore, this module has industry-leading technical specifications, and has excellent performance in terms of high integration, wireless transmission distance, power consumption, and network connectivity.

The operating system of ESP32 is freeRTOS with LwIP, and TLS 1.2 with hardware acceleration is built in. The chip also supports OTA encryption upgrade, which is convenient for users to continue upgrading after the product is released.


  • Wi-Fi+BT+Bluetooth LE MCU module

  • Built-in ESP32-D0WD

  • PCB onboard antenna

  • High integration

  • Low power


  • 4MB/8MB/16MB Flash


  • Module: ESP32-WROOM-32D

  • Core: ESP32-D0WD

  • SPI flash: 32 Mbits, 3.3 V 32 Mbits, 3.3 V

    Crystal: 40 MHz

  • Antenna: onboard antenna

  • Dimensions: (Unit: mm)(18.00±0.10) × (25.50±0.10) × (3.10±0.10)

Package List

  • 1 x ESP32-WROOM-32D


Note! Not recommended for new design!

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ManufacturerEspressif Systems
Manufacturer's modelESP32-WROOM-32D
Distributors codeDPI36140W


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