Development boards


AZ3166 IOT Developer Kit

SEEED 102990944

Currently unavailable

16,00 €

Seeed Studio 102990944 - MxChip AZ3166 IOT Developer Kit - Smart, wifi, all in one, mxchip, az3166, Microsoft, emw3166, Arduino, wireless


IoT DevKit, as its name says, is made for building cloud enabled IoT apps in a productive and fun manner.

Now you already have the DevKit in your hand. Let's start building!

  • To begin with, follow Get Started tutorial to configure your kit connect to Wi-Fi. Then prepare your development environment.
  • Once all set, check our Project Catalog for levels of samples that will guide you build IoT apps empowered by Azure services.
  • Get ready to build your own cool stuff? You may need API references in order to use sensors and actuators on the kit.

The development kit provides a smart hardware solution. It is compatible with Arduino with abundant peripherals and sensors. AZ3166 could be used for the development of IoT and smart hardware prototype, making it continent to verify the software and function of users. Product could connect to Azure and mobile phone fast and safely. With AZ3166, customers could cut down the period of research. AZ3166 has software and hardware and would be supported with developer community, including development kit and demo for quick connection to cloud service. Control and operation could be obtained by mobile phone or tablet.

Main control unit AZ3166 is EMW3166---a low power consumption Wi-Fi module developed by MXCHIP. With DAP Link emulator and 128x64 OLED and other resources such as LED light. The development kit has audio processing unit to connect to Azure for voice recognition and voice play. Others include sensors and extended interface.


  • EMW3166 Wi-Fi module with 256K SRAM,1M+2M Byte SPI Flash
  • DAP Link emulator
  • Micro USB
  • 3.3V DC-DC, maximum current 1.5A
  • Codec, with microphone and earphone socket
  • OLED, 128x64
  • 2 user button
  • 1 RGB light
  • 3 working status indicator
  • Security encryption chip
  • Infrared emitter
  • Connecting finger extension interface

Users would have the account of Azure website by using AZ3166 to have the access to visit developer support services website including data and SDK, community and how to use the software application interface from MXCHIP to connect to other clouds.

The handy way to give your feedback efficiently is on Gitter.

You can always find the latest documentations from this short link:

Part List

AZ3166 Main Board1
Micro USB Cable1
Rubber Pad4


click for more info
Manufacturer's modelMxChip AZ3166
Distributors code102990944
Measures140 x 100 x 21 mm
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