Arduino, makers the first choice for every problem. For more info, check Wikipedia Arduino, Arduino.cc
Arduino, makers the first choice for every problem. For more info, check Wikipedia Arduino, Arduino.cc
Rich selection of original Arduino® classical development boards. Models like Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, Leonardo, Due.
Original Arduino® Shield add-on boards.
Original Arduino® MKR boards and add-on cards.
Original Arduino® Nano development boards.
Original Arduino® Pro™ boards, devices and accessories. Product families like Portenta, Opta, Nicla, Edge Control, WisGate.
Original Arduino® Kit starter kits for prototyping and educational use.
Arduino compatible starter kits for hobby and educational use.
Development boards based on or modified from the original Arduino products.
Arduino compatible Shields and addon boards.
Products for Arduino makers.
Arduino compatible enclosures.
ARD ABX00063
Original Arduino® ABX00063 - Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi's fast WiFi wireless connection and high bandwidth ensure stable and fast data transfer. This board is particularly useful when projects need to send and receive large amounts of data quickly and wirelessly, such as videos, images or measurement data.
ARD AKX00066
Original Arduino® AKX00066 - Alvik is a powerful and versatile robot designed specifically for programming and STEAM education. Alvik is built around the Arduino® Nano ESP32.
ARD AKX00069
Original Arduino® AKX00069 - Unlock your creativity with Arduino! Arduino Plug and Make Kit is your perfect starting point, offering everything you need to explore the Arduino ecosystem, from cutting-edge hardware and intuitive software to powerful Cloud technology.
Original Arduino® A000067 - AVR ATMEGA2560 based testing environment
Original Arduino® A000066 - Arduino Uno R3, AVR ATMEGA328 based testing board. A true classic.
Original Arduino® ABX00080 - Arduino UNO R4 Minima, a powerful board featuring the RA4M1 microprocessor from Renesas.
Original Arduino® ABX00087 - Arduino UNO R4 WiFi combines the RA4M1 microprocessor and the ESP32-S3, providing makers with increased processing power and a wide range of peripherals.
Atmel AVR ATMEGA328P-PU processor chip pre-programmed with Arduino's OPTIBOOT download code.