Rigol DHO924S - small sized portable...
SEEED 101020212
Seeed Studio 101020212 - Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor (SHT31)
SEEED 101020341
Seeed Studio 101020341 - Updated version of the Grove - I2C Color Sensor module
SEEED 101020353
Seeed Studio 101020353 - Grove - MINI PIR Motion Sensor
SEEED 101020452
Seeed Studio 101020452 - Grove - OLED Display 1.12'' V2
SEEED 101020472
Seeed Studio 101020472 - The Grove - Variable Color LED is an RGB LED that can be controlled by both digital and PWM signal
SEEED 101020492
Seeed Studio 101020492 - Grove - 3-Axis Digital Compass is a digital compass sensor based on Bosch BMM150
SEEED 101020512
Seeed Studio 101020512 - Grove - VOC and eCO2 Gas Sensor SGP30 is an air quality sensor(Arduino compatible). Based on SGP30, this module provides TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) and CO2eq output with outstanding long-term stability and low power consumption, which make it a perfect choice for indoor air quality detection.
SEEED 101020513
Seeed Studio 101020513 - Grove - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor for Arduino - BME680
SEEED 101020532
Seeed Studio 101020532 - Grove - Time of Flight Distance Sensor-VL53L0X is a high speed, high accuracy and long-range ToF distance sensor based on VL53L0X
SEEED 101020552
Seeed Studio 101020552 - Grove - Capacitive Touch Slide Sensor (CY8C4014LQI), touch sensor, Capacitance Sensor
SEEED 101020553
Seeed Studio 101020553 - Grove - Round Force Sensor (FSR402), touch sensor, Pressure Sensor
SEEED 101020555
Seeed Studio 101020555 - The Grove - 1-Wire Thermocouple Amplifier (MAX31850K) is a thermocouple-to-digital converter with 14-bit resolution and cold-junction compensation. It can measure the values of temperature from -50°C to 600°C.
SEEED 101020580
Seeed Studio 101020580 - Grove Light&Color&Proximity Sensor (TMG39931)
SEEED 101020583
Seeed Studio 101020583 - Grove - Step Counter(BMA456), acceleration
SEEED 101020584
Seeed Studio 101020584 - Grove - 6-Axis Accelerometer&Gyroscope (BMI088)
SEEED 101020585
Seeed Studio 101020585 - Grove - IMU 9DOF (lCM20600+AK09918), gyroscope, accelerometer, electronic compass
SEEED 101020586
Seeed Studio 101020586 - Grove - Vibration Sensor (SW-420)
SEEED 101020587
Seeed Studio 101020587 - Grove - Optical Rotary Encoder (TCUT1600X01)
SEEED 101020592
Seeed Studio 101020592 - Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp&Humi Sensor (SHT35)
SEEED 101020593
Seeed Studio 101020593 - Grove - Coulomb Counter 3.3V to 5V (LTC2941)
SEEED 101020594
Seeed Studio 101020594 - Grove - I2C Thermocouple Amplifier (MCP9600), High Temperature Sensor, Type K thermocouple
SEEED 101020600
Seeed Studio 101020600 - Grove - I2C UV light Sensor - VEML6070
SEEED 101020613
Seeed Studio 101020613 - Grove - Laser PM2.5 Sensor (HM3301) is a new generation of laser dust detection sensor, which is used for continuous and real-time detection of dust in the air.
SEEED 101020614
Seeed Studio 101020614 -Grove - Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor (Corrosion Resistant)
SEEED 101020617
Seeed Studio 101020617 - Grove - Adjustable PIR Motion Sensor
SEEED 101020634
Seeed Studio 101020634 - Grove - CO2 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor for Arduino (SCD30) - 3-in-1
SEEED 101020692
Seeed Studio 101020692 - Grove 12-bit Magnetic Rotary Position Sensor / Encoder (AS5600) is a programmable 12-bit high-resolution contactless magnetic rotary position sensor.
SEEED 101020793
Seeed Studio 101020793 - Grove - Digital PIR Motion Sensor(12m)
SEEED 101020820
Seeed Studio 101020820 - Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor V2 provides stable and reliable gases detecting function under the circumstances of any other four sorts of gases. It can detect a variety of gases, besides Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Ethyl alcohol(C2H5CH), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), and etc.
SEEED 101020872
Seeed Studio 101020872 - Grove - 12 Key Capacitive I2C Touch Sensor V3 (MPR121)
SEEED 101020894
Seeed Studio 101020894 - Grove - Single-Point Infrared Thermometer - MLX90614 DCI with 5° FOV
SEEED 101020912
Seeed Studio 101020912 - GGC2330-O2 is a professional Oxygen Sensor, which is precalibrated with the built-in MCU and temperature sensor. It features low power consumption, good stability, high sensitivity, and long life.
SEEED 101020932
Seeed Studio 101020932 - Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor V2.0 (DHT20) / Upgraded DHT11/ I2C Port
SEEED 101020952
Seeed Studio 101020952 - Grove - CO2 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor - SCD41
SEEED 101021013
Seeed Studio 101021013 - Grove - SEN54 All-in-one environmental sensor - VOC, RH, Temp, PM1.0/2.5/4/10 with superior accuracy and lifetime
SEEED 101021014
Seeed Studio 101021014 - Grove - SEN55 All-in-one environmental sensor - NOx, VOC, RH, Temp, PM1.0/2.5/4/10 with superior accuracy and lifetime
SEEED 101990019
Seeed Studio 101990019 - Grove One Wire Temperature Sensor - DS18B20
SEEED 101990564
Seeed Studio 101990564 - SenseCAP Wireless Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor - LoRaWAN EU868MHz
SEEED 101990644
Seeed Studio 101990644 - Grove - AHT20 I2C Industrial Grade Temperature and Humidity Sensor
SEEED 101991067
Seeed Studio 101991067 - Grove Smart IR Gesture Sensor, infrared camera sensor, AI algorithm, over 15 gestures detection, I2C, SPI, support Grove, XIAO, Type-C connecting, 3.3V/5V
SEEED 102010007
Seeed Studio 102010007 - Seeeduino Mega (ATmega2560)
SEEED 102010023
Seeed Studio 102010023 - Papilio DUO-512KBSeeed Studio 102010023 - Papilio DUO-512KB
SEEED 102010026
Seeed Studio 102010026 - Seeeduino V4.2 is an Arduino-compatible board, which is based on ATmega328P MCU, Arduino UNO bootloader, and with an ATMEGA16U2 as a UART-to-USB converter. The three on-board Grove interface can make your board connect to over 300 Grove modules.
SEEED 102010027
Seeed Studio 102010027 - Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Development Board (TI AM3358 @1GHz, 512MB, 4GB, Ethernet)
SEEED 102010048
Seeed Studio 102010048 - Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Wireless Development Board(TI AM335x WiFi+BT)