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Original Arduino® Kit starter kits for prototyping and educational use.
Original Arduino® Kit starter kits for prototyping and educational use.
ARD AKX00023
Original Arduino® - AKX00023 - Arduino Education Starter Kit - An educational starter kit for students aged 11-14 into the wonderful world of Arduino and electronics. The kit includes everything you need. Nine 90min lessons in English with materials.
ARD AKX00025
Original Arduino® AKX00025 - Arduino Student Kit - Starter kit for students aged 11+ into the wonderful world of Arduino and electronics. The kit includes everything you need. Nine 90min lessons in English with materials.
ARD AKX00026
Original Arduino® AKX00026 - Arduino Oplà IoT Kit Oplà IoT Kit allows you to add connectivity to devices around the home or workplace.
ARD AKX00027
Original Arduino® AKX00027 - Explore IoT Kit - Innovate, create, transform: take your first step in building internet-connected objects. 10 step-by-step hands-on activities, covering the fundamentals of IoT
ARD AKX00028
Original Arduino® AKX00028 - Arduino Tiny Machine Learning Kit will equip you with all the tools you need to bring your ML visions to life!
ARD AKX00037
Original Arduino® AKX00037 - Arduino Make Your UNO Kit is a good option for beginners who want to get to know Arduino and learn the basics of microcontroller programming.
ARD AKX00042
Original Arduino® AKX00042 - The Arduino IoT Bundle is the best way to start exploring the world of connected devices using the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. Follow the 5 step by step tutorials to quickly learn how to build IoT devices.
ARD AKX00045
Original Arduino® AKX00045 - Explore physics in a new and interactive way with the Science Kit R3, designed and developed by science teachers for science teachers.
ARD AKX00066
Original Arduino® AKX00066 - Alvik is a powerful and versatile robot designed specifically for programming and STEAM education. Alvik is built around the Arduino® Nano ESP32.
ARD AKX00069
Original Arduino® AKX00069 - Unlock your creativity with Arduino! Arduino Plug and Make Kit is your perfect starting point, offering everything you need to explore the Arduino ecosystem, from cutting-edge hardware and intuitive software to powerful Cloud technology.
ARD TPX00031
Original Arduino® TPX00031 - The Arduino Sensor Kit is a joint electronics starter kit from Seeed Studio and Arduino® . It integrates 10 commonly used electronics modules on one PCB.
Original Arduino® K000007 - Arduino Starter Kit - a STEAM starter kit based around the Arduino Uno R3. Suitable for schools for educational use.